Teaching Mindfulness to Children:

An OT Approach

It is almost impossible to escape the news that mindfulness practices are beneficial to our well being. The research is also now clear that it does not only help adults but has also proven benefits for children. Teaching mindfulness to children requires a different skill set than teaching these practices to adults. First there needs to be various considerations for the different age groups but in order for these practices to actually stick they also have to be FUN! In this 90 minute workshop we will explore how to bring mindfulness to children in easeful, joyful ways that you can initiate right after finishing the workshop. 

This Masterclass will provide you with:

  • Identify the reasons to teach mindfulness to children
  • Learn how to bolster children's social emotional connections through mindfulness play
  • Identify how to use sensation as a doorway to mindfulness for children
  • Describe how to adapt the practices to all age groups and abilities

On Demand Replay Now Available

This is a 90 minute event.

Meet Your Host

Deirdre Azzopardi, Occupational Therapist

Deirdre Azzopardi, OTD is an occupational therapist with over 30 years of experience in both private and public school settings. She has both a bachelor’s degree and doctoral degree in occupational therapy and a master’s degree in psychology. Dr. Azzopardi is a registered yoga teacher for both adults and children (RYT 200 and RCYT 95) as well as a trained mindfulness instructor. Dr. Azzopardi has presented extensively on topics related to social emotional learning and runs her own company called the Mindful School OT which offers online courses and resources for school professionals and parents.

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