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Mindfulness-Based Symptom Management
Introduction to Mindfulness
Schedule of weekly calls
5-4-3-2-1 Grounding exercise
Week 1: Introduction to mindfulness
Class 1 Essentials
Body scan
Setting your intention for the course
Week 1 home practice
Week 2: Being with the Difficult and Unwanted
Class 2 Essentials
Awareness of breath meditation (short version)
Posture and positioning videos (16:44)
Week 2 home practice
Pleasant events calendar
Week 3: Awareness of body and breath
Introduction to mindful movement (10:09)
Awareness of Breath meditation (Whole Body Breathing version)
Awareness of breath meditation (Thich Nhat Hanh version)
Three diaphragm breathing
5 Skillful habits
Week 3 home practice
Week 4 Awareness of emotions
How a body scan can help with strong emotions
3 Minute breathing exercise
Week 4 Handouts
Daily Activity Diary and Introception Chart
Day of Mindfulness
Agenda and Zoom details
Body scan
Mindful movement (10:09)
Awareness of breath meditation
Mindful eating
Loving kindness meditation
Walking meditation
Closing the day
Week 5: Awareness of Sensations
Walking meditation
Sense and Savour meditations
Sensation Chart
Recovering movement in persistent pain
Week 5 home practice
Week 6: Awareness of Thoughts and Stress
BEST meditation
Teaching points on thoughts and thinking
Stress model
Week 6 Home Practice
Week 7: Loving kindness and self-care
Self-compassion for beginners meditation
Weekly summary and home practice
Week 8: Wrapping it up
Silent meditation
Letter to yourself
Sustaining your practice
Course feedback
Week 8 summary
Recommended books
Extra movement videos (45:00)
Closing the day
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